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Avenue Q

Selladoor Worldwide

UK No.1 Tour / Hong Kong  / Singapore

Set and Costume Designer

Directed and Choreographed by Cressida Carré

Lighting Design by Charlie Morgan Jones

Photographs by Matt Martin

''Wonderfully bright and clever set''

- North West End *****

''Fresh and vibrant ''

- *****

''Designer Richard Evans has done a sterling job with the set ... the New York skyline, complete with Empire State Building, which looms over the down-at-heel Avenue Q residential district, is stunningly effective... ''

- ****

''Richard Evans’ design effectively captures this run down area of the city, with the apartment buildings providing the backdrop to the action, occasionally we get a peek inside the apartments as parts of the buildings open up''

- Theatre Weekly ****

''Highly effective set design''

- Rewrite This Story *****

- The Stage ****

- Musical Theatre Review ****

- West End Wilma ****

- A Younger Theatre ****

Richard Evans, Set Decorator, Production Designer, Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom, London, Film, HETV, Television, Theatre, Set, Costume, Design,

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